Easy. Fast. Affordable! You don't have to be a crafty DIYer to refill your Sea Oats tree candle. We've done the measuring and testing, you enjoy the fun!
Trust us, if you can use a glue gun and a microwave (and we know you can)- you'll be enjoying the beauty of your tree candle in just minutes!
Your Tree Candle Refill Kit includes:
Detailed instructions
14 oz of scented 100% USA soy wax in microwavable tub (small tree)
22 oz of scented 100% USA soy wax in microwavable tub (large tree)
Wicks (100% cotton)
Spoon for stirring
Scent and safety label
*Please note, this kit does not include the wooden tree. This kit is designed specifically for customers who have purchased a Sea Oats wooden tree in the past and wish to refill it. Always check your bowl for cracks or holes before filling.